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Implementation and Evaluation of Walnut DSA on resource constrained devices

Walnut DSA is a new lightweight asymmetric cryptographic algorithm specified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)(pdf available here). It is especially designed for devices with computation and memory constraints, which are likely to appear in the Internet of Things.

The goal of this project is to implement Walnut DSA for the microcontrollers ARM M0 and Atmel ATmega328p and evaluate its performance with other hardware and other cryptographic functions such as RSA or ECDSA. The hardware will be provided as an Arduino Uno (Atmel ATmega328p), Arduino M0 Pro (ARM M0), Raspberry Pi and ESP8226.

The implementation for the Arduino Platforms, should be integrated in RIoT or one of its supported cryptographic libraries. RIoT is an operating system for embedded devices, which became popular during the last years because of its well-defined structure and versatility.

For the Raspberry Pi, the implementation should be included as a Linux Kernel module.

For the ESP8266, the implementation should be done for the Free-RTOS operating system.

Arduino Uno

Arduino M0 Pro


Raspberry Pi


You will work in a team of students working on similar topics in security, cryptography and applications in constrained networks (IoT).


  • Good understanding of cryptography
  • Programming skills in C and/or C++


  1. Implemenation of Walnut DSA in C.
  2. Integration on RIoT and the two provided microcontrollers.
  3. performance evaluation

Prof. Dr. D. Kranzlmüller

Dauer der Bachelor-Arbeit: 3 Monate

Anzahl Bearbeiter:

  1. 1x RIOT
  2. 1x Free-RTOS
  3. 1x Linux
