Emerging Topics in Machine Learning and AI

Hauptseminar für Master-Studiengänge
im Wintersemester 2023 (LMU, TUM IN2107, TUM IN4421)

Welcome to the Master's Seminar on "Emerging Topics in Machine Learning and AI" in the winter term 2023/24. Here you will be able to find all the details concerning the seminar.



The list of topics is available now: Seminar Topics The literature indicated there is not cited scientifically. It is intended as a starting point for your own literature research.


The seminar will imitate a scientific conference. That means:

Master students will be assigned a topic to work on alone, Bachelor students will work on a topic in pairs.

*Seminar spots are in great demand. Therefore, anyone who does not participate in the kick-off event (without giving notice) will lose their seminar spot, which will be re-assigned to another student.

Formal Criteria

The final grade of the seminar is determined by the quality of the scientific paper, presentation, and the contributed reviews. Participation in the final conference is mandatory throughout the whole event, which will take place in person.

The grade will also be impacted by conformance to the templates, conformance to the required page limit and compliance with the presentation rules.

The seminar will be held in English, including end of term presentations, but we explicity encourage also students with shaky English skills to apply - this is an opportunity to learn and we will not hold your language mistakes against you in grading.

Paper criteria:

The paper must meet the following criteria:

Non-conformance to one of the criteria will impact the final grade.

Presentation criteria:

The presentation must meet the following criteria:

Also, please use the MNM-Team Slide Template.

Non-conformance to one of the criteria will impact the final grade.


  1. Kick-off slides
  2. Topic Assignment
  3. Slides Latex
  4. Slides Scientific Work
  5. LaTeX-Vorlage IEEE
  6. Paper Submissions for Peer Review
  7. Review Assignment
  8. Peer Review Template
  9. Peer Reviews
  10. Presentation Training
  11. Agenda Seminar
  12. Seminar Proceedings


Lectures and Events:

The Kick-off meeting for the seminar will take place in room 161 (Oettingenstr. 67) on Wed. 18.10.2023 from 16 - 18 pm. The block seminar will take place at the LRZ, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching bei München, in seminar room 1. The block seminar will take in Luisenstraße. 37 (check back for final location and room).


Questions, feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Please use the seminar-specific e-mail address seminar@nm.ifi.lmu.de.

Last Change: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:36:42 +0100 - Viewed on: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 07:19:03 +0100
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