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Introduction to Quantum Computing

Lecture with tutorials in summer term 2024
Prof. Dr. D. Kranzlmüller,
K. Staudacher, X-T. M. To, F. Krötz, D. Linder

This course will be held in English!

Welcome to the website for the Introduction to Quantum Computing in summer term 2024. On this page you will find all information about the lecture and the corresponding tutorials.

Source: Bluefors Quantum Computer
at the Leibniz Supercomputing Center

Source: University of Vienna


The registration for the Moodle course (and therefore the lecture) will be closed on April 26th after the lecture (5pm).

Please note: The first lecture (on April 19th) is taking place in Schellingstr. 3, S002.
All other lectures are taking place in Oettingenstr. 67, B001!

The lecture will be organized exclusively via Moodle. Please register for the course with the access key FreitaQ:BitsNQubitsAdventures
You do NOT have to register in LSF or in uni2work.

The lecture will take place exclusively in presence. Lecture recordings (in German) of the last terms can be found in LMUCast (link to playlist is in the Moodle course).

Content of the Lecture

Two scientific revolutions shaped the first half of the 20th century. On the one hand, pioneers such as Konrad Zuse, Alan Turing, and John von Neumann laid the foundations for the construction of the first practical calculating machines. On the other hand, the classical world view of physics, which had been expanded but hardly changed since the days of Newton, collapsed with the description of quantum mechanics.

These scientific revolutions were quickly followed by technical ones. Everyone is aware of the extent to which computers have shaped our society, our view of the world and our view of humanity. Many people are less aware that quantum mechanics also influences our everyday lives. It was the quantum mechanical description of the atom that made it possible to develop semiconductors and lasers; the transistor radio, the CD player and modern computer hardware are all consequences of quantum mechanics.

In recent decades, these two sciences have been brought together and a new interdisciplinary branch called quantum computing has emerged. The aim is to build quantum computers, develop quantum algorithms and investigate the consequences of quantum mechanics for information transmission.

The lecture explains the basics of quantum computing, including:

  • Introduction to quantum mechanics
  • Mathematical foundations (mainly linear algebra)
  • Complexity of quantum algorithms and the need for new complexity classes
  • Quantum bits (qubits) and quantum registers
  • Quantum teleportation, dense coding and entanglement
  • Various quantum algorithms, including search algorithms and quantum Fourier transformations
  • Shor's algorithm and the implications for modern cryptography
  • Hybrid quantum algorithms
  • Quantum communication and quantum cryptography
  • Available hardware and quantum computers
In the tutorials, this knowledge will be deepened and quantum algorithms will be implemented independently. These are carried out with a simulator, but also with a real quantum computer (IBM-Q).

Prior Knowledge

To participate, you should be familiar with the following content:

  • Linear algebra
  • Cryptography (e.g. from the IT security lecture): symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods (e.g. RSA), key exchange (e.g. Diffie-Hellmann)
  • Basic understanding of quantum physics is helpful, but not a prerequisite


  • Audience:The lecture is aimed at students in the Master's degree program in Computer Science, Media Informatics, Bioinformatics, students in the main study program in Computer Science (Diploma) or Media Informatics (Diploma) as well as students with a minor in Computer Science. Bachelor's students of Computer Science or Media Informatics can specify the lecture as "Vertiefende Themen der Informatik für Bachelor".
  • SWS/ECTS: 5 SWS (3V, 2Ü), 6 ECTS according to module description
  • Major course assessment: Written exam
  • Exercise mode: In addition to the lecture, weekly exercise sheets with tutorials are offered, with the submission of exercise sheets a bonus can be earned for the exam.
  • Dates


    Friday, 2pm-5pm
    Oettingenstr. 67 - B 001

    Date Topic Speaker
    April 19th History and Overview Korbinian Staudacher
    April 26th 1- and 2-Qubit Systems Florian Krötz
    May 03rd 1- and 2-Qubit Systems/
    Florian Krötz
    May 10th Entanglement/
    Florian Krötz
    May 17th Complexity and Interference
    Quantum Algorithms
    Korbinian Staudacher
    May 24th Grover's Algorithm
    Grover's Algorithm: Max-Cut
    Michelle To
    May 31st --
    June 07th Variational Quantum Algorithms Justyna Zawalska
    June 14th Quantum Fourier Transform Michelle To
    June 21st Shor's Algorithm Michelle To
    June 28th Quantum Key Distribution Florian Krötz
    July 05th Error Correction Korbinian Staudacher
    July 12th Photonic Quantum Computing
    Dr. Tobias Guggemos
    (University of Vienna)
    July 19th Q&A Session
    July 29th


    You can choose one of the following tutorial time slots:

  • Thursday, 12pm-2pm
    Oettingenstr. 67 - B U101
  • Friday, 10am-12pm
    Oettingenstr. 67 - B U101
  • The tutorials will start in the week of April 22, 2024.


    Information will follow.

    Current date changes or new dates will be communicated in Moodle.

    Lecture Notes

    The lecture notes and the slides for the lecture can be found in Moodle.

    Recommended Literature

    KAYE, Phillip; LAFLAMME, Raymond; MOSCA, Michele.
    An introduction to quantum computing
    Oxford University Press, 2007

    HOMEISTER, Matthias. (German)
    Quantum Computing Verstehen: Grundlagen – Anwendungen – Perspektiven.
    5th edition, Springer-Verlag, 2018

    Quantum Computation Lecture Notes and Homework Assignments
    Cornell, Spring 2006

    David McMahon
    Quantum Computing Explained
    John Wiley & Sons, June 2008
    EAN: 9780470181362

    Aaronson, Scott
    Introduction to Quantum Information Science Lecture Notes

    Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang
    Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
    10th Anniversary Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2012


    Via e-mail or after the lectures and tutorials or by appointment.