Team Member: Sergej Breiter

Email |
breiter _at_
Phone |
+49 89 2180-9169
Fax |
+49 89 2180-999146
Address |
Sergej Breiter
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Informatik
Oettingenstr. 67
D-80538 München
Room |
E 009
Research Interests
- High-Performance Computing
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Heterogeneous Computing
- Performance Analysis and Models
- Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms
Research Projects
Student Work
Bachelor and Master Theses
Students with an idea for a Bachelor or Master thesis related to the above fields are welcome to contact me. You may also take a look at the open proposals of the MNM-Team or at these open HPC-related thesis topics in collaboration with the LRZ.
Knowledge of the C or C++ programming language as well as the course “Parallel and High Performance Computing” (or similar) is mandatory for bachelor’s or master’s students.
Teaching Assistance
Winter Term 2024/2025
Summer Term 2024
Winter Term 2023/2024
Summer Term 2023
Winter Term 2022/2023
Summer Term 2022
Student Work
Work Completed: |
- Hilchenbach, S.,
CacheHound: Automated Reverse-Engineering of CPU Cache Policies in Modern Multiprocessors, Diplomarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, September, 2024.
- Arnold, F., Software prefetching for irregular memory access patterns, Bachelorarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, November, 2023.
- Rocke, F.,
Evaluation of C++ SIMD Libraries, Bachelorarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, April, 2023.
- Raoofy, A., Elis, B., Bode, V., Chung, M. T., Breiter, S., Schlemon, M., Herr, D.-F., Fuerlinger, K., Schulz, M., Weidendorfer, J.,
BEAST Lab: A Practical Course on Experimental Evaluation of Diverse Modern HPC Architectures and Accelerators , Journal of Computational Science Education, 2024(15), 23-31, März, 2024.
- Breiter, S., Trotter, J. D., Fuerlinger, K.,
Modelling Data Locality of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on the A64FX,
In Proceedings of the SC23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis, 2023, 1334-1342, ACM, November, 2023.
- Breiter, S., Weidendorfer, J., Chung, M. T., Fuerlinger, K.,
A Profiling-Based Approach to Cache Partitioning of Program Data,
In Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT22), 453--463, Springer Nature Switzerland, April, 2023.