Team Member: Dr. Roger Kowalewski

Email kowalewski _at_
Phone +49 89 2180-9146
Fax +49 89 2180-9147
Non-active Member Please refer to the personal website.


Research Interests

Teaching Associate

Winter Term 2017 / 2018

Summer Term 2017

Winter Term 2016 / 2017

Summer Term 2016

Selected Publications

Roger Kowalewski, Pascal Jungblut, and Karl Fürlinger. Engineering a distributed histogram sort with pgas. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Sep. 2019. [ bib ]

Joseph Schuchart, Roger Kowalewski, and Karl Fuerlinger. Recent experiences in using MPI-3 RMA in the DASH PGAS runtime. In Proceedings of Workshops of HPC Asia, pages 21-30. ACM, 2018. [ bib ]

Felix Mößbauer, Roger Kowalewski, Tobias Fuchs, and Karl Fürlinger. A portable multidimensional coarray for c++. In 2018 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), pages 18-25. IEEE, 2018. [ bib ]

Roger Kowalewski, Tobias Fuchs, Karl Fürlinger, and Tobias Guggemos. Utilizing heterogeneous memory hierarchies in the PGAS model. In 2018 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), pages 353-357. IEEE, 2018. [ bib ]

Pascal Jungblut, Roger Kowalewski, and Karl Fürlinger. Source-to-source instrumentation for profiling runtime behavior of c++ containers. In 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS), pages 948-953. IEEE, 2018. [ bib ]

Karl Fürlinger, Roger Kowalewski, Tobias Fuchs, and Benedikt Lehmann. Investigating the performance and productivity of DASH using the Cowichan problems. In Proceedings of Workshops of HPC Asia, pages 11-20. ACM, 2018. [ bib ]

Roger Kowalewski and Karl Fürlinger. Debugging latent synchronization errors in MPI-3 one-sided communication. In Tools for High Performance Computing 2016, pages 83-96. Springer, 2017. [ bib ]

Roger Kowalewski and Karl Fürlinger. Nasty-mpi: Debugging synchronization errors in MPI-3 one-sided applications. In European Conference on Parallel Processing, pages 51-62. Springer, Cham, 2016. [ bib ]

Karl Fürlinger, Tobias Fuchs, and Roger Kowalewski. DASH: A C++ PGAS library for distributed data structures and parallel algorithms. In 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 14th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS), pages 983-990. Ieee, 2016. [ bib ]

Student Works / Thesis

Drop me a line if you are interested in writing a thesis in one of my research subjects. Suggestions are always welcome.

Work Completed:
  • Peralta Friedburg, S., Communication Offload Strategies for Multithreaded Distributed Memory Applications, Diplomarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Juni, 2021.
  • Ammann, P., Effects of Memory Bandwidth in Sorting Algorithm, Bachelorarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Dezember, 2020.
  • Herget, M., Index Set Mappings for Multidimensional Views on PGAS Data Domains, Diplomarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, August, 2020.
  • Visintini, V., Evaluation of Real-Time Music Feature Extraction for Reharmonization, Diplomarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, August, 2020.
  • Wachowitz, H., Asymptotic and Experimental Analysis of k-way Merging Algorithms, Bachelorarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, August, 2020.
  • Posovzky, P., Improving Data Locality in Distributed Processing of Multi-Channel Remote Sensing Data with Potentially Large Stencils, Diplomarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Februar, 2020.
  • Cronjaeger, S., Data Race Detection of MPI-3 RMA Operations with Intel PIN, Bachelorarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, März, 2019.
  • Jungblut, P., Untersuchung des Laufzeitverhaltens von C++ Containern, Diplomarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, November, 2017.
  • Neumeier, T., A MESI Cache Coherence Simulator for Educational Purposes, Bachelorarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Oktober, 2017.

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