Team Member: Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Rührmair

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+49 89 2180-9146
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Please refer to the personal website.
- MSc, Mathematics and the Foundations of Computer Science, Oxford
- PhD, Electrical Engineering, TU München
- PhD, Computer Science, TU Berlin
Research Interests
My research interests include PUFs, hardware and computer security, embedded systems, applied cryptography, and complexity
theory at large.
Awards and Honors
- Finalist of the "Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik"
- Scholarship by the Federal State of Bavaria
- Scholar of the Stiftung Maximilianeum
- Best Paper Award at ISIC 2009
- Best Paper Candidate at HOST 2011 and CHES 2012
Community Service
- Co-speaker of the Research Focus on "Physics and Security" at the Center for Advanced Studies at LMU München.
- Founder and steering committee chair of the "ASHES Workshop".
- Associate editor at the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), Journal of Cryptographic Engineering at Springer (JCEN), Journal of Hardware Systems and Security at Springer (HaSS), and EURASIP Journal on Information Security at Springer.
- PC member at HOST 2011, HOST 2012, HOST 2015, CHES 2015, HOST 2016, AsianHOST 2016, IEEE S&P ("Oakland") 2016, HOST 2017, AsianHOST 2017, HASP 2017, WISA 2017, ASHES 2017 (PC Chair), IEEE S&P ("Oakland") 2017, IEEE S&P ("Oakland") 2018, HOST 2018, AsianHOST 2018, WISA 2018, ASHES 2018, ACM CCS 2018, AsianHOST 2019, WISA 2019, ASHES 2019, ACM CCS 2019, WISA 2020, AsianHOST 2020, ASHES 2020, WISA 2021, AsianHOST 2021, ASHES 2021, CCSW 2021, WISA 2022, AsianHOST 2022, ASHES 2022, CCSW 2022, ICISSP 2022.
- Special session organizer at DATE 2014 on "How Secure are PUFs Really? On the Reach and Limits of Recent PUF Attacks". Together with Marten van Dijk, Farinaz Koushanfar, Jean-Pierre Seifert, and others.
- Guest editor at the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 2019 on "Emerging Attacks and Solutions for Secure Hardware in the Internet of Things". Together with Chip-Hong Chang, Marten van Dijk, and Mark M. Tehranipoor.
- Co-editor, Proceedings of the 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 Workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware Security (ASHES 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022). ACM Digital Library, 2017-2022.
- Co-editor, The ASHES Special Issues at JCEN 2020 and 2021. Journal of Cryptographic Engineering (Springer), 2020 and 2021.
For a complete and updated list of publications, please see my
Google Scholar profile.
PhD Students
- Wolfgang Stefani
- Laurence Lerch (starting 2023)
- Shaohua Tong (starting 2023)
- Paul Jimenez (externally co-supervised, at EC Lyon)
Bachelor and Master Students at LMU
Since 2020, in alphabetical ordering:
- Roman Anasal
- Serif Cem Atalay
- Veronika Bauer
- Shu Chen
- Mihnea Creanga
- Jonas Dellinger
- Niels Dörre
- Peter Eder: Synthesis of a Semiconducting 2D Material for Novel Strong PUFs. Master thesis, 2022. (--> PDF)
- Sebastian Gavra: Developing New Deep Learning Methods to Break Strong Physical Unclonable Functions. Master thesis, 2021. (--> PDF)
- Katja Geirhos
- Fynn Kappelhoff
- Michael Lachner: Linear and Non-Linear Machine Learning Attacks on Physical Unclonable Functions. Bachelor thesis, 2021. (--> PDF)
- Alexander Lankheit
- Qinzi Li
- Oliver Linne: Konzeption und Umsetzung einer mobilen Applikation zur Validierung von fälschungssichern Produktlabeln. Bachelor thesis, 2021. (--> PDF)
- Fiona Moreno
- Lara Obrenovic
- Philip Rebeschini
- Patrick Schuster
- Edwin Spies
- Xiao-Ting (Michelle) To
Other Affiliations
I am a Full Research Professor at the University of Connecticut, USA (you can also visit my webpage
there, if you want to).